Join us in our mission to promote gender equity and empower scholars in STEM. Together, we cultivate inclusive environments and opportunities for all to thrive in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics!

Membership Benefits

Unlock endless possibilities with our membership benefits! There is no cost to be a member of Scholars in STEM. Gain access to exclusive resources, mentorship opportunities, and networking events. Join us and supercharge your STEM journey!

STEM Workshops and Professional Development Programs

Dive into our engaging STEM workshops and expand your knowledge in a hands-on environment. Our interactive sessions cover a wide range of topics and are designed to ignite your passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Scholarship and Educational Programs

We also aim to partner with global institutions and universities to seek educational opportunities for Afghan women and girls. By fostering partnerships with esteemed academic bodies worldwide, we strive to provide access to high-quality education, scholarships, and exchange programs. Our goal is to empower Afghan women and girls through education, enabling them to pursue careers in STEM fields and contribute to the global scientific community.